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Padiglione Croazia
Opera Don Orione-Artigianelli
Sala Tiziano
Fondamenta delle Zattere ai Gesuati
Dorsoduro 919, Venezia

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Padiglione Croatia

55th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia

Kata Mijatovic

Between The Sky And the Earth

A cura di Branko Franceschi


Opera Don Orione-Artigianelli
Sala Tiziano
Fondamenta delle Zattere ai Gesuati
Dorsoduro 919

Kata Mijatovic ha creato un archivio online dei sogni, aperto e accessibile a tutti, : l’archivio è costantemente arricchito di nuovi sogni inseriti attraverso il profilo di Facebook “Arhiv Snova” (Archivio dei sogni).

Dream Archive è una scultura sociale e rappresenta l’amalgama finale della visione artistica di Kata Mijatovic’s riguardo all’area della coscienza della società, nonché un mezzo di divulgazione globale di informazioni riguardo al subconscio.

L’archivio interattivo sarà presentato nel Padiglione all’interno di una gabbia metallica, sospesa a mezz’aria, che sarà aperta al pubblico per permettergli di esplorarla. Un compendio dinamico e multimediale delle opere di Kata Mijatovic’s inerenti al tema del sogno e del sognare sarà visibile sui monitor posti attorno all’installazione centrale.

Evento speciale
Mercoledì, 29 Maggio 2013 | 11am-1pm, Performance per strada a Dorsoduro (Fondamenta Nani)


Kata Mijatovic is multimedia artist who works primarily in the medium of performance and video. She was born in 1956 in Branjina, Croatia. From 1988 to 1991 she was a member of the informal art group Mocvara/Swamp. From 1991 to 1993 she studied painting at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence, Italy. From 1993 to 1996 she continued her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia, where she graduated in 1997. From 2005 to 2009 she was a member of the Art board of the Baranja Art Colony/BUK. Since 2005 she is managing the AZ Gallery, located at the Atelieri Zitnjak, Zagreb Since 2007 she is a member of the Art group PLEH. Kata Mijatovic lives and works in Zagreb, Croatia.

Selected exhibitions and projects 2012 - 2000
2012 Everybody Knows…, performance, Performance Art Festival, Osijek, Croatia
2012 Dreams from the Underpass, Dogadjanja Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2011 The Look of Resistance, with Vlasta Zanic, No Gallery, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
2011 Plexus, Galzenica Gallery, Velika Gorica, Croatia
2011 Greetings from Baranja,with Zoran Pavelic, Kooh-i-nor Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
2010 The Calling, Gliptoteka HAZU, Gallery IV, Zagreb, Croatia
2010 Sleeping between the Sky and the Earth, performance, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
2009 Choir, performance, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
2009 Two Dreams, performance, Performance Art Festival Dopust, Split, Croatia
2009 Baranja Bus, BUK 2009, Miroslav Kraljevic Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2009 Screaming, Ring Gallery HDLU, Zagreb, Croatia
2009 Temple, Ring Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2008 Luka and Matej from Branjin Vrh, Gallery Prozori, Zagreb, Croatia
2008 Visible / Invisible, Mali Salon, Rijeka, Croatia
2007 Echo, with Zoran Pavelic, Moria Gallery, Stari Grad, Croatia
2007 Kunst ist ein deutsches Wort, with Zoran Pavelic, Studioausstellung, Dusseldorf, Germany
2007 Visible / Invisible, Bacva Gallery, HDLU, Zagreb, Croatia
2006 Visitation, MMC Kuglana, Koprivnica, Croatia
2006 Resume, performance, MMC, Zagreb, Croatia
2005 Marijan's Dream, performance, Karas Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2005 Dream Archive, online project for Miroslav Kraljevic Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2004 Building, Krizic-Roban Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2004 Markita's Dream, performance, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
2004 Željko's Dream, performance, Karas Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2004 Selected Dreams - More Real Than Reality, Karas Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2003 Selected Dreams, Ghetto Gallery, Split, Croatia
2003 Robert's Message, performance, Miroslav Kraljevic Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2003 Forsythia, Matica Hrvatska Gallery, Krizevci, Croatia
2002 Temporary Accommodation, with Zoran Pavelic, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
2002 Selected Dreams, performance, Club Mocvara, Zagreb, Croatia
2001 Dream net, online project, Miroslav Kraljevic Gallery,
2001 Dreams - 1991, ( K+Z,), Art Gallery, Slavonski Brod, Croatia
2000 Back from the Unconsciousness, performance, Kazamat Gallery, Osijek, Croatia
2000 I Am Not Conscious, performance, SC Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia

 Altri Eventi
Padiglione Croazia 2011

Padiglione Croazia 2009

 Eventi in programmazione