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Love Me, Love Me Not
Tesa 100, Arsenale Nord
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Love Me, Love Me Not

Contemporary Art from Azerbaijan and its Neighbours

55ª Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte - La Biennale di Venezia
Eventi Collaterali

Tesa 100, Arsenale Nord

Love Me, Love Me Not is an unprecedented exhibition of contemporary art from Azerbaijan and its neighbours, featuring recent work by 17 artists from Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkey, Russia, and Georgia. Produced and supported by YARAT, a not-for-profit contemporary art organisation based in Baku, and curated by Dina Nasser-Khadivi, the exhibition will be open to the public from 1st June until 24 th November 2013 at Tesa 100, Arsenale Nord, at La Biennale di Venezia - 55th International Art Exhibition

Artists featured: Faig Ahmed (Azerbaijan), Rashad Alakbarov (Azerbaijan), Afruz Amighi (Iran), Kutlug Ataman (Turkey), Shoja Azari (Iran), Rashad Babayev (Azerbaijan), Mahmoud Bakhshi (Iran), Ali Banisadr (Iran)Ali Hasanov (Azerbaijan), Orkhan Huseynov (Azerbaijan), Sitara Ibrahimova (Azerbaijan), Aida Mahmudova (Azerbaijan), Taus Makhacheva (Russia), Farhad Moshiri (Iran), Farid Rasulov (Azerbaijan), Slavs and Tatars (‘Eurasia’), Iliko Zautashvili (Georgia)

"Each piece in this exhibition has a role of giving the viewers at least one new perspective on the nations represented in this pavilion, with the mere intent to give a better understanding of the area that is being covered. Showcasing work by these artists in a single exhibition aims to, ultimately, question how we each perceive history and geography. Art enables dialogue and the Venice Biennale has proven to be the best arena for cultural exchange." explains curator Dina Nasser-Khadivi. The title of the show: Love Me, Love Me Not, relates to the vacillating relationships between the countries surrounding Azerbaijan, as well as the relationship between the artist and the viewers. It also references the work by the renowned collective Slavs and Tatars included in the show, of the same title.

Arsenale Nord, Tesa 100
Venice, Italy

(Celestia, Bacini, free boat shuttle from Arsenale during the preview days)
Exhibition dates: 1 June until 24 November
Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday 10am – 6pm.
Free admission
For press information and images please write to:
Website of the show:

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