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Node Center for Curatorial Studies
Waldemarstr. 37A
10999 Berlin

segnalato da e-artnow

condiviso da numero civico rovereto


Node Center for Curatorial Studies

Curatorial Studies Residency

Perla Montelongo / Ignacio García Gómez del Valle
Phone: +49 152 2769 9078

Node Center for Curatorial Studies
Waldemarstr. 37A
10999 Berlin

Open call period:
June 15th - July 20th 2011
Residency dates:
September 20th - December 16th 2011

Node Center Berlin announces The Curatorial Studies Residency Program designed for emerging curators who may wish to expand their professional practice in Berlin.

Node is launching a Curatorial Studies Residency Program for research and practice in curatorial studies. The program understands curatorship as exhibition praxis, allowing direct experimentation with the exhibition space. Additionally, the program will be reinforced with activities such as workshops, seminars, meetings with art professionals, and visits to exhibition spaces.

Moreover, participants are expected to take an active role in organizing the program (i.e., managing seminars, workshops, guest lectures, exhibitions, etc.).

The residents registered within the Node Center's studies program will develop specific theoretical-practical research during their residency, which will include a participation on a publication and the curation of a final show. Each year, the center will be immersed in a specific line of research.

During 2011, the line of the program will be: 'The logic of the limit: transversal curatorial processes'. The different lines of research explore the curatorial practices that expand their own mechanisms beyond the normal 'taxonomic' processes of the art exhibition (i.e., classification, study, and exhibition), generating new discursive possibilities.


An application form, information about tuition, and instructions for applying can be obtained at the Center's website:

To be eligible participants must submit an application by July 20th, 2011:

Afterwards, an online interview will take place with each applicant. This will give us a better idea of each applicant, as well as their main areas of interest. As soon as we receive the applications we will contact each participant to schedule an interview.

//Admission requirements

Requirements for admission are:
An academic background in any of the following areas of contemporary art: curatorial studies, theory and philosophy of art, art history, art management, and/or art production; visual arts, fine arts, arts and new media; or equivalent work experience within an Institution, or with projects developed as an independent curator.

//Cost of the program:

o 1 initial deposit of 670€
o 3 monthly payments of 750€

To formalize you enrollment upon acceptance, you will be asked to make an initial deposit payment of 670€ by August 16th, 2011. This deposit will be credited towards your tuition balance.

For further information please contact us: /

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