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Szpilman Award
Baseler Platz 3
60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany

segnalato da e-artnow

condiviso da numero civico rovereto


Szpilman Award 2011

Call for Submissions

Szpilman Award 2011

(c) Szpilman Award
Patrick Koch

Szpilman Award
Baseler Platz 3
60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany

Closing date:
September 30, 2011

Members of the jury - Bernd Euler, Dirk Fleischmann, Lise Harlev, Leonard Kahlcke, Patrick Koch, Tina Kohlmann, Sara Nuytemans (prize winner 2010), Arya Pandjalu (prize winner 2010), Tina Schott, and Michal Sznajder - are glad to announce the SZPILMAN AWARD again in 2011.


The SZPILMAN AWARD is awarded to works that exist only for a moment or a short period of time. The purpose of the award is to promote such works whose forms consist of ephemeral situations.

Everyone can apply. Worldwide!
There is no participation fee.
Closing date: September 30, 2011 (postmark)


The prize winner receives the Jackpot Stipendium.
This scholarship consists of three parts:

A challenge cup, 10 days of accommodation in Cimochowizna (Poland), and a sum of money in cash.

The amount of money is dynamic. SZPILMAN is raising money parallel to the competition. The prize winner receives the money that is raised until September 30, 2011. The current score may be checked here ( )

For all informations and the application form click and: Apply Now!

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